
At the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, we disseminate findings from research projects conducted by the Center for Research and Education widely to professionals and older adults and their families. Our results are also published in peer reviewed journals such as The Gerontologist, The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions. We also translate our research findings into useful information for older adults and families as part of the Consumer Information Initiative. Below is a list of publications by Benjamin Rose staff.

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Hayes, J. (2019, August 15). How to Spot the Signs of Elder Abuse. Retrieved from

Weitzman, L. (2019, August 15). The Juggling Act of the Working Caregiver. Retrieved from

Weitzman, L. (2019, July 11). 9 Practical Tips to Build Resiliency and Combat Caregiver Burnout. Retrieved from

Bibbo, J. (2019, July 11). Financial Exploitation: Know the Red Flags. Retrieved from

Montonaro, D. (2019, July 11). How You Can Benefit from Flexing Your Gratitude Muscle. Retrieved from

Hayes, J. (2019, July 11). Why Oral Health is Important for Older Adults. Retrieved from