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Hayes, J. (2019, August 15). How to Spot the Signs of Elder Abuse. Retrieved from
Chen, Y., Peng, Y., Ye, M., Xu, L., Dong, X. (2018) The influence of acculturation level and family relationships on quality of life among U.S. Chinese older adults, Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 27:4, 346-365, DOI: 10.1080/15313204.2018.1520165
Chen, L., Ye, M., & Kahana, E. (2019). A Self-Reliant Umbrella: Defining Successful Aging Among the Old-Old (80+) in Shanghai. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Rodriguez, K., Bibbo, J., Verdon, S. & O’Haire, M. (2019) Mobility and medical service dogs: a qualitative analysis of expectations and experiences, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2019.1587015
Nelson S., Albert J.M., Liu Y., Selvaraj D., Curtan S., Ryan, K., Pinto, A., & Ejaz, F. (2019) The psychometric properties of a new oral health illness perception measure for adults aged 62 years and older. PLoS ONE, 14(4): e0214082.