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Mental Health 101: Helping Your Loved One Face Changes in Mental Health
Depression, anxiety and other behavioral health symptoms can make life difficult for anybody, but especially for older adults whose behavioral changes are often dismissed as normal aging. Despite what many say, getting the “blues” is not a not a normal part of aging. This webinar will provide an overview of two common mental health concerns: depression and anxiety. In addition to learning what to look for, and when someone may need extra support, we will look at what we can do to support your older loved ones who may be experiencing a mental health concern and what resources are available.
WatchBy Kerstin Yoder | 11/04/2021

Maximizing the Environment for Individuals with Dementia
According to the AARP, most Americans would prefer to stay in their homes until the end of their life. This statistic is no different for persons with dementia. Lack of safety and accessibility in the home are issues that need to be addressed so that individuals with dementia and their respective caregivers also have the ability to age in place. Occupational therapy professionals are trained health care providers that can provide formalized home safety assessments and recommend home modifications to increase safety and independence in the home. These efforts are also beneficial for community and business owners to consider and employ to further support individuals with dementia in the community.
WatchBy Dr. Lindsey Buddelmeyer | 10/25/2021

Benefits: You Gave, You Save
Navigating the maze of different benefits and trying to understand what you and your loved one may be eligible for can be a daunting task. Join us for an informative webinar that will outline benefits such as SNAP, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Program and the Low-Income Subsidy. We’ll walk through what the different requirements for these programs are and how to apply.
WatchBy Cynthia Walker | 10/06/2021

15th Annual Katz Policy Lecture: National Family Caregiving Strategies and Policy Recommendations from the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council
This year, the 15th annual Katz Policy Lecture, sponsored by AARP Ohio, will examine the RAISE Family Caregivers Act, which directs the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to develop and maintain a national strategy to recognize and support family caregivers. The Act identifies actions that communities, providers, the government and others are taking to help family and friend caregivers, and aims to improve information sharing, collaboration, government support and assessment of caregiver programming across these efforts. Our keynote speaker, Alan B. Stevens, PhD, will discuss family caregiving strategies and policy recommendations from the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council, and the impact these will have on our communities. Following our keynote speaker, a reactor panel of industry experts will give their responses to the presentation, and discuss how the Act impacts different types of individuals and communities, as well as state level policy.
WatchBy Alan B. Stevens, PhD | 10/05/2021

Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body: Tips from the Latest Research
For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, science is able to provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you age. Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity, social engagement, pharmacological treatments, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging. Lastly, you will learn from Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging about an evidence-based care-coaching program, BRI Care Consultation™, that is available for free in Cuyahoga, Athens and Washington Counties to support individuals with, or at risk of, dementia, including individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their caregivers.
WatchBy Polly Mytinger | 09/23/2021